Category Archives: Ephemera

Talks, short pieces, interviews

MLA 2013: two panels on periodization

I’ll be speaking on Friday at 10:15 as part of a panel called “What Does Comparative Literature Do for, against, after Periodization?”; and then participating in a roundtable, “Parsing World Literature in the Twenty-First Century: Alternatives to Period, Region, and … Continue reading

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Summer 2012: Two Talks in Nanjing

I gave two talks this summer at Nanjing University, both on chapters of On Literary Worlds (the first and the third chapters, respectively). First time giving talks in Chinese, which worked so-so for the first talk (about 90 percent Chinese, the rest English) … Continue reading

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Against Periodization Talk

I spoke in the universe’s longest-running comparative literature talk series here at Penn State to present part of what became “Against Periodization” (and of course the third part of On Literary Worlds). I start out nervous, but at some point things … Continue reading

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On teaching video games

I did an interview with Penn State’s Jamie Oberdick on the state of video game teaching in the university and on the sociocultural approach to video games more generally.

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