Category Archives: Ephemera

Talks, short pieces, interviews

Jacobs University, Oct 23 2013

Talk coming up to students at Jacobs University, Bremen, “Modernity and the Ends of Europe.” Designed more or less to convince a group of smart undergraduates, many thinking of majoring in a program called “global humanities,” to get excited about … Continue reading

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Chinese discussion of Hypothetical Mandarin

A discussion group at Douban is talking about the Chinese version of The Hypothetical Mandarin, and sent along a few questions for me to answer. Responses here. Review/discussion of the book here.

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Upcoming talks, 2013-14

Just a quick rundown of the various trips and visits: Bremen (Jacobs University), 23-24 October 2013 Seoul (EALLK Keynote), 5-10 November 2013 Mainz, 17 December 2013 MLA (Chicago), 9-12 January 2014 Hamburg, 15-16 January 2014 Göttingen, 17-20 February 2014 ACLA … Continue reading

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Through the Mirror

For the LA Review of Books, a review of two recent collections of Claude Levi-Strauss’s thoughts on Japan: TIME MAKES US ALL ANACHRONISMS to ourselves. As we get older, we are all left behind by a history we had once … Continue reading

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Penn / Feb 21 and 22

Two talks coming up at Penn: one, a second try at “Academic Writing, I Love You. Really, I Do,” this time with, lesson learned, purely extemporized (from notes) entractes (on Thursday Feb 21), and, on Friday, a roundtable and talk … Continue reading

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China, Middlebrow to Highbrow

My first foray into tweener literary criticism has just been published by Public Books. I’ve also just accepted a request to write about Levi-Strauss for the LA Review of Books, due in early March. So the world has that to look forward … Continue reading

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U of Chicago / Feb 7, 2013

I’ll be giving a new talk, using some material from Becoming a Writer, at the University of Chicago in early February. Title: “Academic Writing, I Love You. Really, I Do.” Event organized by the devastating Lauren Berlant. This will be my first … Continue reading

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Yale / Jan 31-Feb 1, 2013

I’ll be giving two seminars at Yale later this month. The first, for the Theory & Media colloquium, is on On Literary Worlds (Thursday Jan 31, 4pm); the second, Friday at noon, is a discussion of scholarly writing. Students will be … Continue reading

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