Upcoming talks, 2013-14

Just a quick rundown of the various trips and visits:

Bremen (Jacobs University), 23-24 October 2013
Seoul (EALLK Keynote), 5-10 November 2013
Mainz, 17 December 2013
MLA (Chicago), 9-12 January 2014
Hamburg, 15-16 January 2014
Göttingen, 17-20 February 2014
ACLA (New York), 20-23 March 2014
Emory, 24-26 March 2014
Columbia, 29 March 2014
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2014
Hong Kong, 3-17 July 2014
Otago, New Zealand, 17-20 July 2014

If you’re in the area and want to hang out, send me an email. Updates on specific trips, with talk titles, etc., as they come.

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