Academic CV

Positions Held

2014-                 Director of the Center for Humanities and Information, Penn State
2012-                 Distinguished Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State
Fall 2015            Visiting Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania
2014-2015          Department Head, Comparative Literature, Penn State
2013-2014          Associate Fellow, Heidelberg Center for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg
Spring 2013        Visiting Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton University
2010-2012          Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State
2010-2012          Co-Director, Confucius Institute, Penn State
2008-2012          Director, Asian Studies Program, Penn State
2007-2010          Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Penn State
2005-2007          Global Fellow, UCLA International Institute
2005-2007          Associate Professor of English, U of Arizona
2001-2005          Assistant Professor of English, U of Arizona
2000-2001          Assistant Professor of French and Humanities, U of Northern Iowa
1999-2000          Lecturer, Department of English, Auburn University
Spring 1998        Visiting Lecturer, Beijing Foreign Studies University


1999                   Ph.D., English and Comparative Literature. U of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
1994                   M.A., English. Georgetown University
1993                   B.A., English. Georgetown University

Languages: French, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, German



Under contract      Humanist Reason (Columbia UP)
2014     The Elements of Academic Style: Writing for the Humanities (Columbia UP; translated into Chinese for Xinhua Press, 2018)
2012     On Literary Worlds (Oxford UP; paperback 2015)
2009      The Hypothetical Mandarin: Sympathy, Modernity, and Chinese Pain (Oxford UP; translated into Chinese for Jiangsu People’s Press, by Yuan Jian, 2013) | Winner of the 2010 Modernist Studies Association Book Prize
2004      Chinese Dreams: Pound, Brecht, Tel quel (U of Michigan P; paperback 2011)

Edited Books and Translations

Under contract      Information: A Reader and Information: Keywords, general editor; editors for individual volumes are Jonathan Abel, Anatoly Detwyler, Michele Kennerly, and Lea Pao (Columbia)

2018      What is Information? by Peter Janich, translated with Lea Pao (Minnesota)
2016      A New Vocabulary for Global Modernism, edited with Rebecca Walkowitz (Columbia)
2007     Sinographies: Writing China, edited with Haun Saussy and Steven Yao (Minnesota)


Ongoing               Global Asias. Co-editor, book series with Oxford University Press.

2013-16 ACLA Report on the State of the Discipline, Editorial Team
2012-15 Verge: Studies in Global Asias (journal), Senior Editor, with Tina Chen.
2013     Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, Associate Editor. General Editor Stephen Ross.
2011      “Asia and World Literature.” Special issue of Comparative Literature Studies.
2009     “EverQuest: 10 Years Later” Edited with Edward Wesp. Special issue of Game Studies.
2006     “Modernisms’ Chinas.” Special issue of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture.
2005     “Responding to Death of a Discipline: An ACLA Forum.” Edited with Christopher Bush. Special issue of Comparative Literature.

Journal Articles

2019    “Literary History after Literary Dominance” Modern Language Quarterly 80.4: 479-94.
2017     “What Happens to Literature if People are Artworks?” New Literary History 48.3.
2016      “Against Historicist Fundamentalism.” PMLA 131.5 (Oct 2016): 1414-22.
2014     “Academic Writing, I Love You. Really, I Do.” Critical Inquiry 41.1 (Autumn): 53-77.
2014     “On the Lack of Curiosity Regarding Institutional Life (ACLA Presidential Address).” Comparative Literature 66.4: 481-88.
2013     “I Too Have Dreamed of Another French Messiah.” English Language Notes 51.2: 87-94.
2012     “Cosmologies, Globalization, and Their Humans.” Social Text 29.4: 81-105.
2011     “Against Periodization; or, On Institutional Time.” New Literary History 42.4: 739-756.
2011     “On Literary Worlds.” Modern Language Quarterly 72.2: 129-161.
2009     “The Asian Turns.” PMLA 124.3: 906-917.
2009     “Towards a Critical Aesthetic of Virtual World Geographies,” with Edward Wesp. Game Studies 9.1.
2007     “Chinese Bodies, Chinese Futures.” Representations 99.1: 99-129.
2006     “Immigrating Fictions: Unfailing Mediation in Dictée and Becoming Madame Mao.” Contemporary Literature 47.4: 601-635.. Also in Immigrant Fictions: Contemporary Literature in an Age of Globalization, ed. Rebecca L. Walkowitz (Wisconsin, 2007).
2006     “Bertrand Russell’s Chinese Eyes.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 18.1: 120-154. Revised and published in Pacific Rim Modernisms, ed. Helen Sword and Steven G. Yao (Toronto, 2009).
2005     “I/O: A Comparative Literature for a Digital Age.” Comparative Literature 57.3: 219-226.
2005     “The Strange Case of Araki Yasusada: Author, Object:” PMLA 120.1: 66-81. Reprinted in Scubadivers and Chrysanthemums: Essays on the Poetry of Araki Yasusada, ed. William Freind (Shearsman Books, 2011).
2004     “Style: Strategy and Mimesis in Ergodic Literature,” with Edward Wesp. Comparative Literature Studies 41.3: 404-423.
2004     “Reading Game/Text: EverQuest, Alienation, and Digital Communities,” with Edward Wesp. Postmodern Culture 14.2.
1999     “Critical Dreams: Orientalism, Modernism, and the Meaning of Pound’s China.” Twentieth Century Literature 45:4: 511-33.
1995     “Imagine That: Rodney King and the L.A. Riots.” Mediations: Journal of the Marxist Literary Group : 5-17.

Book chapters

Forthcoming          “Does Poetry Make Worlds?” The Cambridge History of World Literature, ed. Debjani Ganguly (Cambridge UP).

2019     “The Emergence of Modernity.” A Companion to World Literature, ed. Ken Seigneurie (Wiley/Blackwell), 1-6.
2019     “World Literature: A Critique.” Vergleichende Weltliteraturen/Comparative World Literatures, ed. Dieter Lamping and Galin Tihanov (J.B. Metzler).
2018     “Translators’ Introduction,” with Lea Pao. Peter Janich, What is Information? (Minnesota), ix-xii.
2017     “Then and Now.” Rethinking Critique, ed. Elizabeth Anker and Rita Felski (Duke), 279-95.
2017      “Institutional Inertia and the State of the Discipline.” Futures of Comparative Literature (the ACLA Report), ed. Ursula Heise et al. (Routledge), 11-16.
2016     “Introduction,” with Rebecca Walkowitz. A New Vocabulary for Global Modernism, ed. Hayot and Walkowitz (Columbia), 1-10.
2016     “History and its Alternatives: War Games as Social Form.” Divided Lenses: Screen Memories of War in East Asia, ed. Michael Berry and Chiho Sawada (Hawai’i), 252-280.
2015     “Foreword.” Persistent Forms: Explorations in Historical Poetics, ed. Ilya Kliger and Boris Maslov (Fordham).
2014     “Coolie.” The Routledge Companion to Asian American and Pacific Islander Literature, ed. Rachel Lee (Routledge), 81-90.
2012     “Chinese Modernism, Mimetic Desire, and European Time.” The Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms, ed. Mark Wollaeger (Oxford), 149-170.
2011     “World Literature and Globalization.” The Routledge Companion to World Literature, ed. David Damrosch, Theo D’Haen, and Djelal Kadir (Routledge), 223-31.
2011     “Vanishing Horizons: Problems in the Comparison of China and the West.” A Companion to Comparative Literature, ed. Ali Behdad and Dominic Thomas (Wiley-Blackwell), 88-107.
2011      “Solomon’s Bluff: Virtual Property and the Aesthetics of Modern Worldmaking,” with Edward Wesp. Modernism and Copyright, ed. Paul Saint-Amour (Oxford), 302-323.
2010     “On the Sainifeng 赛呢风 as a Global Literary Practice.” Global Chinese Literature, ed. Jing Tsu and David Wang (Brill), 219-228.
2007     “Chineseness: A Prehistory of Its Future.” Sinographies: Writing China (Minnesota), ed. Hayot, Saussy, and Yao, 3-33.
2007     “Sinographies: An Introduction,” with Haun Saussy and Steven G. Yao. Sinographies: Writing China, vi-xxi.

Short pieces, interviews, and reviews

Forthcoming          “What is the Time of Literature?” American Literary History

2019     “Worldedness.” The Bloomsbury Handbook of Literary and Cultural Theory, ed. Jeffrey Di Leo.
2018     “The Humanities as We Know Them Are Doomed: Now What?” The Chronicle of Higher Education.
2018     “The Sky is Falling.” Profession.
2017     “The Profession Does Not Need the Monograph Dissertation.” Profession.
2015     “Introducing Verge: What Does it Mean to Study Global Asias?” with Tina Chen. Verge: Studies in Global Asias 1.1: vi-xv.
2015     “Rethinking Graduate Programs.” ACLA Report on the State of the Discipline.
2015     “Of Clocks and Clouds: The Fiction of David Mitchell.” Public Books. 2015     Review of Can Xue’s The Last Lover. Times Literary Supplement Jan 23 2015.
2015     “Four Thoughts for Academic Writers.” Columbia University Press Blog.
2014     “On worldedness, literature, and culture: a conversation with Eric Hayot.” Interview by Dorothea Fischer-Hornung. Atlantic Studies 11.2 (2014): 160-74.
2014     “Rough Notes for What is Data?” Arcade.
2013     “Through the Mirror: Lévi-Strauss in Japan.” LA Review of Books.
2013     “China, Middlebrow to Highbrow.” Public Books.
2011     “A Hundred Flowers.” Reading Graphs Maps & Trees: Responses to Franco Moretti, ed. Johnathan Goodwin and John Holbo (Parlor Press), 64-70.
2010     “Asia and World Literature.” Comparative Literature Studies 47.3: 263-65.
2010      “On teaching students how to read poetry.” Poets on Teaching: A Sourcebook, ed. Joshua Marie Wilkinson (University of Iowa Press).
2009     “EQ: 10 Years Later,” with Edward Wesp. Game Studies 9.1.
2009     Interviews with Chris Lena, Brad McQuaid, and Kevin McPherson. Game Studies 9.1.
2008     Review of Zhang Longxi, Allegoresis: Reading Canonical Literature Between East and West. Comparative Literature Studies 45.1: 122-26.
2007     Review of Douglas Mao and Rebecca Walkowitz, eds., Bad Modernisms. Modernism/Modernity 14.2: 364-65.
2006     “Modernisms’ Chinas: Introduction.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 18.1: 1-7.
2005     “‘The Slightness of My Endeavor’: An Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak” Comparative Literature 57.3: 256-72.
2005     “Responding to Death of a Discipline: An ACLA Forum.” With Christopher Bush. Comparative Literature 57.3: 199-200.
2005     Review of Alex Woloch’s The One vs. the Many. Modernism/Modernity 12.2: 349-51.
2004     Review of Yunte Huang’s Transpacific Displacement and Steven G. Yao’s Translation and the Languages of Modernism. Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature 51: 185-92.
2004     Review of Rey Chow’s The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism. CLEAR 26: 184-187.
2003     Review of Marie-Paule Ha’s Figuring the East. Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature vol. 50: 198-201.
2001      “Imagism” and “Cathay.” Encyclopedia of American Poetry: The Twentieth Century. Ed. Eric Haralson. Chicago: Fiztroy Dearborn, 321-324; 573-574.
2001     “Response” (to Jane Gallop’s “Resisting Reasonableness”). With Jeffrey King. Conflict of Interest and the Professions. Eds. Michael Davis and Andrew Stark (Oxford), 192-94.
1999     Review of Rey Chow’s Ethics after Idealism. Modern Chinese Literature 11.1: 219-25.
1997     Review of Robert Young’s Colonial Desire. Discourse 19.2: 194-97.


“Humanist Reason.” UC-Davis, Stockholm University.
“Being Global: Why Bother?” Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Literature Conference.
Comparative Literature Workshop Series. Stanford University.
Workshop on academic writing, UC-Santa Cruz.
“Poetry Worlds.” McGill University.
“Why Humanists Should Care about Information.” University of Miami
Workshops on academic writing, University of Miami, University of Southern Denmark.
“Does Poetry Produce Worlds, and If So, How?” University of Virginia.
“Scale, Data, Literature.” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Trinity College (Dublin)
“Why Humanists Should Care about Information.” University of Washington.
“What Happens to Literature if People are Artworks?” Oxford University, Cornell University, University of Heidelberg.
Workshop on academic writing, UC-Santa Cruz.
“On Literary Worlds.” University of Tampa.
“The European History of Chinese Metaphor.” Rutgers University.
Book event for Paul Saint-Amour’s Tense Future. Slought Foundation, Philadelphia.
Workshop/talks on academic writing. Northwestern University, University of Florida, Villanova University, Norwich University, ACLA conference.
“What Happens to Literature if People are Artworks?” Northwestern University. Brigham Young University, University of Virginia, Concordia University.
Workshop on Elements of Academic Style. University of Minnesota (Asian Studies), Yale University (Sociology), Modernist Studies Association.
“What Happens to Literature if People are Artworks?” University of Pennsylvania.
Workshop on On Literary Worlds and institutions. Rutgers University.
“Near Stars: Phenomenon Scale and the Literary Object.” Emory University and University of Minnesota (talk); Columbia University/NYNJ Modernists (workshop).
Seminar leader, three days. Reading and Writing in the Age of Globalisation, Göttingen University.
“Scale, Hierarchy, and the Problem of World Literature.” Gothenberg University.
“How (Not) To Do Global Modernism.” University of Hamburg.
“Academic Writing, I Love You.” University of Mainz.
“Scale, Data, and World Literature.” Keynote, ELLAK Conference, Korea.
“Modernity and the Ends of Europe.” Jacobs University, Bremen.
“Sites of Knowledge: Academic Prose.” University of Heidelberg.
“Who’s Afraid of China?” Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
“Scale and the Ontology of the Literary Object.” University of Pennsylvania.
“Academic Writing, I Love You. Really I Do.” University of Chicago & U of Pennsylvania.
“On Literary Worlds,” and workshop on academic writing. Yale University.
“Cosmographies: A Theory of Represented Worldedness.” Keynote, annual conference of the Society for Comparative Literature and the Arts.
“Literary Worlds and Literary History.” UCLA and USC.
“Literary Worlds” and “Against Periodization.” Nanjing University.
“Cosmologies, Globalization, and Their Humans.” CUNY Graduate Center.
“Cosmographesis; or, A History of Modern Literature as a World-Forming Activity.” University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Comparative Literature for the Twenty-First Century.” University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
“Literary Worlds and Literary History.” University of Chicago.
“How to Do Comparative Modernism.” University of Pennsylvania.
“1915: Ezra Pound Publishes Cathay.” Harvard University.
“Display Cases.” UC-Berkeley.
“Chinese Modernism and European Time.” Boston College and Northwestern University.
“Cosmology, Time, and the World of Jia Zhangke.” McGill University.
“Humanism’s Test: China, the West, the World.” Harvard University.
“Hello Cutie: Whiteness and the Poetics of Error.” Princeton University.
“Chinese Bodies, their Parts, and their Markets.” New York University.
“The Hypothetical Mandarin: Sympathy, Modernity, and Chinese Pain.” Michigan State.
“Body Worlds: Another Thousand Cuts.” Yale University.
“Lessons from the American Empire.” Washington University in St. Louis.
“Untimeliness: ‘Asian’ Modernisms and the Fate of World Poetry.” Cambridge University.
“Smith, Balzac, and the Example-Effect.” Yale University.
“The Hypothetical Mandarin: An Introduction.” University of Pennsylvania.
“Responding to the Sinophone.” Harvard University.
“All Modernism is Transnational.” Rutgers University.
“What’s Interesting about Online Virtual Worlds?” Hamilton College.
“The Hypothetical Mandarin and the Invention of Sympathy.” UCLA International Institute.
“To Heal a Chinese Mandarin: The Moral Implications of Distance.” UC-Berkeley.
“Ideologies of the Anesthetic.” Arizona Quarterly Symposium.
“The Compassion Trade.” Princeton. Also UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, 2006.
“The Ideograph’s Face: On the History of Western Reactions to Chinese Torture.” University of Wisconsin – Madison.
“Bertrand Russell’s Chinese Eyes.” Tsinghua University.
“Photograface: The Image as Sign-Thing.” UC-Irvine Graduate Colloquium.
“The (Chinese) Body in Pain.” Orientalism and Modernism. King’s College, Cambridge University.
“Author, Object: The Strange Case of Araki Yasusada.” Arizona Quarterly Symposium.
“The Quality of Dreams: A Brief History of Western Representations of China, 1300-1937.” Beijing Foreign Studies University.
“What to Say about China When You Get Home.” Capital Normal University, Beijing.


2019     “After Weber.” MLA.
2017     “Global Studies and the Future of the Humanities.” MLA.
2016     “No Apologies.” ACLA.
“The Pharisees.” MLA.
2015     “Is There Poetic Realism?” ACLA.
“World-Modernism Theory.” MLA.
2014     Roundtable on weak theory. MSA.
Roundtable on new methods in comparative literature. ACLA.
“Disenchantment in Selma Lagerlöf’s Saga of Gosta Berling.” ACLA.
Two roundtables, on the future of the novel, and on literature and data. MLA.
2013     “After Periodization.” MLA.
Roundtable on parsing world literature. MLA.
2012     Roundtable on academic writing. MSA.
              “What in Worldedness Isn’t Language?” Society for Novel Studies.
              “Structure and Scale in World Literary History.” ACLA.
              Roundtable on China and World Literature. MLA.
2011     Roundtable on academic style. MSA.
              “The Limits of Multilingualism.” ACLA.
              “Comparative Modernism vs. Comparative Modernisms.” MLA.
2010     “Against Periodization.” MSA.
              “World Literature and Globalization.” ACLA.
              Roundtable on the work of Wang Hui. Association of Asian Studies.
2009     “Jia Zhangke: The World as a Global Language.” MLA.
              Roundtable on Modernist Political Economies. MSA.
              “Balzac’s Milieus.” RoC Comparative Literature Association, Tamkang Univeristy.
              “Modalities of Modern Literature.” ACLA.
2008     “Modalities of Modern Literature.” MSA.
              “Sand Grain, Atom, Haiku.” Association for Asian American Studies.
2007     Roundtable on Modernism and Globalization. MLA.
              Roundtable on Transnational Modernism. MSA.
              “The Hypothetical Mandarin.” ACLA.
2006     “Comparative Literature: What We Don’t Know.” MLA.
              “Modernism: The Long View.” MSA.
              “The Human Difference.” ACLA.
2005     “What Video Games Can Teach Us About Literature.” MLA.
              “Thirty Years of Minor Literature.” Seminar Leader. MSA.
              “An Empire of Pain.” ACLA,         .
2004     “The Author as the Letter A.” MLA.
              “Ecstatic Transport and the Chinese Body in Pain.” MSA.
              “On Death of a Discipline.” ACLA.
             “More on Race and Style in Ergodic Literature,” and “Re-presenting Simulation,” with Edward Wesp. Form, Culture & Video Game Criticism, Princeton University..
2003     “Objects and Things: A Presuicidal Generosity.” MLA.
             “‘Freud and the Scene of Writing,’ and the Scene of Writing.” MSA,
              “Teaching With and Against Translation.” Roundtable Organizer. ACLA.
              “Objects, and How to Develop a Relation to Them.” ACLA.
              “Toward a Theory of Computer Games,” with Edward Wesp. ACLA.
2002     “Modernist Objects.” Panel Organizer. MSA.
              “Translation With No Original: Yasusada’s Doubled Flowering.” ACLA.
2001     “Intimations of War.” ACLA.
2000     “Beyond Orientalism: Strangeness and Estrangement in Bertolt Brecht.” MSA.
             “Traveling Without Moving, War Games Without Tears.” Appropriations: Between Scholarship and Literature, Among Nations. Stanford University.
             “Listening to Culture: An Experiment in Composition, Collaborative Teaching, and the World Wide Web.” Auburn University.
             “‘An aukward figure in ridiculous habit’: The European Abroad in Qing China.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
              “Is China Logocentric? And Other Comparative Questions.” ACLA.
1999     “In the Name of Rey Chow: Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature.” MLA.
              “Tales From the Scene of Interlocution.” ACLA.
1998     “Travails of the Mind’s Eye: Pound, Brecht, Waley.” ACLA.
1997     “Ezra Pound and Chinese Writing.” ACLA.
1996     “Tales Twice Told: Apollo 13 and ‘Prayer of Columbus.” Institute on Culture and Society. George Mason.
              “Translations of Pound: Poetic Text and Visual Culture.” M/MLA.
              “Family Matters: Katie Roiphe Repeats Herself.” Feminist Generations. Bowling Green.
1995     “Body Limits: Eating the Racial Other in Frantz Fanon.” Questions of Space. SUNY – Buffalo.
             “Why I Don’t Want to Be Queer Anymore.” Institute on Culture and Society. Trinity College.
1994     “Inside/Outside: Tagore’s The Home and the World.” Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Georgetown University.
             “The Journalistic Hypertext: the L.A. Times and the Rodney King Riots.” Institute on Culture and Society. Carnegie Mellon.



Backgrounds to Modernism (graduate)
Modernism: Where to Begin (graduate)
Concepts of Modernity (graduate short course)
Modernism and Translation
Virginia Woolf
Women Inside/Outside Modernism
Modern Novel
What is Self-Consciousness? Primitivism, Deception, and the Problem of Modernity

critical theory and literary analysis

Legacies: Derrida and Foucault (graduate)
Theories of Globalization and Diaspora (graduate)
Reading Capital, vol. 1 (graduate short course)
Literary Analysis / How to Read (undergraduate; graduate short course)
Introduction to Literary Theory
Narratives and Narratology
What’s New in Theory
Structuralism, System, World (graduate)
Jacques Derrida (graduate)

comparative literature

France/Germany, 1945-1975 (graduate, co-taught)
Virtual Worlds (graduate)
Prose Fiction (graduate)
Comparative Poetics (graduate)
Asian Poetry in the World Picture
Global Science Fictions
Comparative Cosmologies

Asian American Studies

Introduction to Asian American/Asian Diaspora Studies

visual culture

Theories of the Photographic
Introduction to Video Game Culture


First-year Composition
Prose, in Theory (graduate)
Academic Writing (graduate short course)


Being in the Universe (co-taught)

Grants, Honors and Awards

2016                   NEH Next Generation PhD grant, co-PI ($25,000/1 year)
2014                   Faculty Scholar Medal, Penn State
2013-14             Fulbright Scholar (Germany), Institute of International Education
2010                   Modernist Studies Association Book Prize, for The Hypothetical Mandarin
2010                   Class of 1933 Award for Distinction in the Humanities, Penn State
2010                   Erasmus Award (Departmental Advising, Penn State)
2010                   Confucius Institute ($900,000/5 years), Penn State.
2009-11             IAH Interdisciplinary Research Group ($15,000/3 years), Penn State
2009                   Folger Institute Small Grant                    
2009                   Excellence in Teaching (Comparative Literature, Penn State)
2008                   Erasmus Award (Departmental Advising, Penn State)
2008                   PSU Global Fund Grant (International Travel)
2005                  Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowship (1 month), The Huntington Library
2005, 2004         Foreign Travel Grant, U of Arizona
2004, 2003         Student-Faculty Interaction Grant, U of Arizona
2004                   Summer Institute in Literary Studies, National Humanities Center
2004                  Provost Author Support Fund Grant, U of Arizona
2004                   Career Development Grant, U of Arizona
2003                   College of Humanities, Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award, U of Arizona
2003                   Faculty Small Grant, Office of the Vice President for Research, U of Arizona
1998-99              Dissertation Fellowship. U Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1997-98              Boren Fellowship. Peking University, Beijing, China
1996-97              Graduate School Fellowship. UWM
1996                   Frederick J. Hoffman Award (with Edward Wesp). UWM
1993-94              Writing Center Fellowship. Georgetown

Professional Service

2014-                 Advisory Board, Atlantic Studies
2010-                 Advisory Board, Journal of Modern Literature
2008-                 Associate Editor, Comparative Literature Studies
2004-                 Advisory Board, Arizona Quarterly

2017-2020          MLA Executive Council
2016-2019          Matei Calinescu Prize committee, Modern Language Association
2016-2018          Conference co-organizer, Information + the Humanities, Penn State
2011-2015          American Comparative Literature Association: Second Vice President (11-12); Vice President (12-13); President (13-14); Past President, (14-15)
2011-2013          Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literature committee, Modern Language Association
2010-2013          Publications Committee, Modern Language Association
2013                   Conference co-organizer, ACL(x) 2, Penn State
2011                   Conference co-organizer, Global Asias 2, Penn State
2011                   Conference co-organizer, ACL(x), Penn State
2010                   Program Committee, Modernist Studies Association
2009-2010          Advisory Board, American Comparative Literature Association
2009                   Conference co-organizer, Global Asias in Historical Perspectives, Penn State
2008                   Organizer, CIC Asian American Studies Workshop, Penn State
2008                   Organizer, IAH Short-Term Visiting Professorship for Jane Gallop, Penn State
2008                   Organizer, “The Future of Asian American Studies: A Symposium,” Penn State
2005                   Site committee co-chair, Third Annual Conference of the Cultural Studies Association
2005, 2003         National review committee, Humanities/Education panel, Boren Fellowships of the Academy for Educational Development
2003, 2002         Co-organizer, Works in Progress. Graduate conference, U of Arizona
2001                   Organizer, International Film Festival. U of Northern Iowa
2000                   Conference co-organizer. Appropriations: Between Scholarship and Literature, Among Nations. Stanford University
1996                   Conference co-organizer. Discerning the Right. U Wisconsin-Milwaukee



Last updated: November 22, 2019

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