Category Archives: Courses

No matter what I teach, I almost always end up teaching versions of the same thing: how to read, and how to write.

Eng418: Women and Modernism

Writing in the introduction to her 1990 anthology, The Gender of Modernism, Bonnie Kime Scott recalls that modernism “as we were taught it at mid-century was perhaps halfway to truth. It was unconsciously gendered masculine…. Much of what … men had to say about the crisis in gender identification that underlies much of modernist literature was left out or read from a limited perspective.” If, as Scott argues, a general crisis of gender identification underlies modernist literature, then any discussion on gender and modernism (or women in it) ought to have implications for a broader definition of modernism itself. This course aims to sketch the outlines of such a definition. Continue reading

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Eng416: Literary Theory

The first few weeks of the course hinge on the difference between “theory” and “theories” of literature; while on one hand we will be discussing the history of a variety of competing theories of literature or literaryness (and to understand why and when they appeared), on the other we will attempt a broader consideration of “theory” as a whole, as a genre or mode of thought that unites competing ideas (ideas as different as, say, Marxism and psychoanalysis) within a larger framework.

It is that framework that people refer to when they say things like, “I hate theory,” or “I do theory,” and so the question of what it would mean to hate theory, or do it, will reverse, as it were, the opening conundrum of the course. Continue reading

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Eng472: Modernism and Translation

This course started out as a narrowly focused reading of the role that translation as a concept and as a practice played in the literary period circumscribed most strictly by the word “modernism”— roughly the period from the end of World War I to the beginning of World War II in the UK, Ireland, and the United States. Right now it’s more of a course on translation in general—translation both metaphorical and literal—and the manner in which it has been both a literary and epistemological practice. Continue reading

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Eng566: Backgrounds to Modernism

This course is designed primarily for those of you working in or on literature; specifically it aims to give you a background in the history of the ideas (and the history of “history”) that have shaped the past two centuries in the sciences and social sciences, particularly as they anticipate, relate, or participate in the creation of modernism and modernity (two vitally different things). Continue reading

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Intro to International Film, Spring 2001

The course is designed to be a very basic introduction to the process of writing about films. As a result, some of the material we cover will be familiar to those of you minoring in film studies, for which my apologies. Our textbook, Timothy Corrigan’s Short Guide to Writing About Film, is designed to give us a shared vocabulary with which to discuss the films we see, and also serve as a guide as you complete your assignments for the class. Continue reading

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Humanities I, Fall 2000

Our goal this semester will be to come to a greater understanding of the cultural inheritance of what we call “the West.” By reading texts that either shaped or reflected important ideas in the West’s history (or histories), and by learning how to think about those texts in an intellectually serious way that reflects the best of our abilities to read and understand. Continue reading

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