Author Archives: ehayot

Recidivism in weight loss

Nice article from NY Mag on the psychological and physiological adjustments that come with having lost large amounts of weight. Cultural fantasies of weight loss present a tidy, attractive proposition – lose weight, gain self-acceptance – without addressing the whole … Continue reading

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Jacobs University, Oct 23 2013

Talk coming up to students at Jacobs University, Bremen, “Modernity and the Ends of Europe.” Designed more or less to convince a group of smart undergraduates, many thinking of majoring in a program called “global humanities,” to get excited about … Continue reading

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On Literary Worlds: Pittsburgh Q&A

So a group of people at the University of Pittsburgh (including the excellent Gayle Rogers) is reading On Literary Worlds, and they sent a few questions. I’ve pasted my (slightly cleaned up) responses and their questions below. EH: Thanks to you … Continue reading

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Chinese discussion of Hypothetical Mandarin

A discussion group at Douban is talking about the Chinese version of The Hypothetical Mandarin, and sent along a few questions for me to answer. Responses here. Review/discussion of the book here.

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Upcoming talks, 2013-14

Just a quick rundown of the various trips and visits: Bremen (Jacobs University), 23-24 October 2013 Seoul (EALLK Keynote), 5-10 November 2013 Mainz, 17 December 2013 MLA (Chicago), 9-12 January 2014 Hamburg, 15-16 January 2014 Göttingen, 17-20 February 2014 ACLA … Continue reading

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