Author Archives: ehayot

Humanist Reason

Coming out in February 2021 from Columbia University Press, Humanist Reason is a book in three parts: (1) a history of the modern justifications of the humanities; (2) a philosophical genealogy of those justifications, and an argument for their dismantling; … Continue reading

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Shakespeare and the 99%

Leaving aside the fact that the first comment is from someone who’s still angry about the fact that people think Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare’s plays (which is fun but too “age of the internet” for me), this review by James Shapiro … Continue reading

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Travel/Talks 2019-20

It’s been a while since I’ve updated the site; then the old code built into WordPress broke and I’ve spent the morning fixing it. But… victory, so a time to update some talk and travel and teaching news, all coming … Continue reading

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Peter Janich, What is Information?

Translated by me and the fabulous Lea Pao, this book by the German philosopher of science known for “methodical constructivism” is now available in English from the University of Minnesota Press. Lea and I added a couple sentences that weren’t … Continue reading

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Travel/Talks 2018

A few talks coming up: April 5-6 is a conference on Poetry and the World at the new UVa Center for Poetry and Poetics. I’ll be talking about the blazon, and totality. I’ll be giving a talk, “Why Humanists Should … Continue reading

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Teaching, Spring 2017

Teaching two classes this semester, a graduate class on Derrida (syllabus) and the usual undergraduate class on video game culture (syllabus), this time with 400 students, a new record. I had planned to make a bunch of changes to the … Continue reading

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Upcoming visits: Yale and Minnesota

Saturday, Nov 15: I’ll be speaking to graduate students in Sociology at Yale (along with real sociologists Elijah Anderson (Yale) and Mitch Duneier (Princeton)) on questions of academic style and writing in and around ethnography. Prepping by reading Howard Becker’s Tricks … Continue reading

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