Category Archives: University of Northern Iowa

Intro to International Film, Spring 2001

The course is designed to be a very basic introduction to the process of writing about films. As a result, some of the material we cover will be familiar to those of you minoring in film studies, for which my apologies. Our textbook, Timothy Corrigan’s Short Guide to Writing About Film, is designed to give us a shared vocabulary with which to discuss the films we see, and also serve as a guide as you complete your assignments for the class. Continue reading

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Humanities I, Fall 2000

Our goal this semester will be to come to a greater understanding of the cultural inheritance of what we call “the West.” By reading texts that either shaped or reflected important ideas in the West’s history (or histories), and by learning how to think about those texts in an intellectually serious way that reflects the best of our abilities to read and understand. Continue reading

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